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Tips For Filing Chapter 7 And Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

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Posted on: 07/20/22

Even when faced with dire financial consequences, many people fear the prospect of filing personal bankruptcy. The key to defeating what can, often be, crippling anxiety is familiarizing yourself with the process and its potential benefits. Use the tips in this article to alleviate your fears and do what is necessary to get a fresh financial start.

Seriously consider if bankruptcy is the right choice for you. If you do not owe too much in credit card debt and medical bills, you might be able to handle the debts yourself with credit counselors and payment arrangements. Bankruptcy can be a serious financial choice, so make sure you consider all your options carefully.

Before you consider filing for bankruptcy, you should make a pre-determination if bankruptcy may be the right choice. First, make a list of all income, including, salary, child support, alimony, rent and any other sources you may have. Then, make a list of your bills. These would include mortgage, rent, car payments, monthly credit card payments, groceries and gas. If your monthly bill total is more than the income you bring in, it may be time to seek the advice of a bankruptcy attorney, who can help you make the final decision.

Meet with many different attorneys before making any decision on one. To do this, you must start looking well in advance of when you need to file. If you wait until the last minute, you will not have the time to find an attorney that will give you good advice, and one that is easy to work with.

Become educated about personal bankruptcy. You must realize that the IRS will tax forgiven debt in a bankruptcy. The rules can be confusing, so be sure you learn all that you can before you file. You can find out more about this by doing some research, either by talking to finance professionals or looking online.

Keep your head up. Getting depressed about the situation you are in will not help. Many times, bankruptcy seems like it is going to be bad, but often, it is the best thing you can do at the time. You will have a fresh start and a better financial future, if you learn from your mistakes.


A useful tip for those thinking about using personal bankruptcy as a way out of their financial difficulties is to exercise great care when choosing an attorney. By selecting a practitioner who specializes in bankruptcy and who has handled a large number of such cases, it is possible to ensure the very best outcome and the greatest likelihood of forging a positive financial future.

Exercise extreme caution with your credit cards, if you are headed into bankruptcy. The regulations governing bankruptcy can prevent you from discharging credit card debt in many situations. Cash advances and non-essential charges are particularly vulnerable. Your creditors can and will challenge these items and prevent you from getting rid of that portion of your debt.

Its important to exercise discretion with any new credit you apply for after a bankruptcy filing. Some lender may offer credit cards to those who have filed for bankruptcy and want a new start. These offers usually come with ridiculous interest rates. They could place you back on the place where you started. That is why it is important to make use of good financial discipline.

The specter of personal bankruptcy is something countless individuals dread and strive to avoid, no matter what. The truth is that a little bit of knowledge goes a long way toward making bankruptcy a less mysterious, more accessible opportunity for those who need it. Apply the advice contained in this piece, and you may find that bankruptcy represents a good solution for your circumstances.

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